2007年7月2日 星期一

small property owners do

Would you give your car to a complete stranger? Of course not. But landlords give keys to their
buildings (which are worth much more than any car) to complete strangers. Consider what typically happens when a landlord has an apartment for rent. The prospective tenant calls and makes an inquiry about the apartment. The landlord is so happy to get a call he spills his guts to the tenant, and makes an appointment for the prospect to see the apartment.
The prospect comes over and the landlord shows the apartment, all the while telling the prospect how wonderful the apartment is. At that point, if the prospect says he wants the apartment and has the money, the landlord is so mesmerized by the cash that he will give the prospect the keys on the spot.
What does this landlord know about the prospect? Nothing! This prospect could be New York's number one deadbeat. He could be wanted in a dozen states for murder. Yet the landlord just gave keys to property worth more than $50,000 (and often much more) to him.
Landlords Don't Get Rental Applications From Prospective Tenants
The landlord-tenant relationship is a very odd one. The landlord is at the most powerful BEFORE the tenant is given the keys. Once the tenant has the keys, then the power shifts to the tenant. The tenant then has a right to be on the property (whether or not he pays the rent) and the police will enforce that right.
After the prospect has seen the apartment and has said he wants it, that is the point of the landlord's maximum power in the relationship. The prospect needs the landlord to agree to the tenancy. Therefore, the landlord can get anything he wants out of the tenant at that moment, but not later.
That's when the landlord should give the prospect a rental application. Some owners make up their own (this can be very dangerous unless you know what questions you cannot ask), while others simply buy rental applications from stationery stores.
A rental application has two purposes. The first purpose is to find out who this prospective tenant really is. The second purpose is to get enough information so you can find him later if he leaves town owing you rent. Applications vary, but you must get certain basic information: the full legal name of the tenant, current address, prior address, social security number and date of birth. It's highly advisable to get the tenant's occupation, employer's name, driver's license number, car license plate number and bank.


因此有了這個懶人投資法 兼顧強迫定存和避開風險的優點
對於不了解基金投資的人 這是一個最安全的方式
後來則開始有人發現 定期定額並不是適用於各種類型的基金
之前提出基金教學的看法.. 曾被人說 笑死人了 基金要學...
或是 你那麼厲害 在股票中賺飽就好了 幹什麼要玩基金
其實 從這些言詞中可以發現一件事 就是 他們不懂基金
基金不用學? 基金的學問可大了.. 今天就來談一下為什麼全球型基金不適合定期定額
書本跟你說 買基金可以用定期定額 專家會跟你說 全球型基金較不適用定期定額
但沒有人跟你解釋 為什麼不適用定期定額..Richie理財觀點鼓勵大家能探究
基本上 ..基金已經是一個將風險分散的投資工具..他建立的是一個"股票組合" 而不是投資於單一股票
而全球型股票基金 更是把股票組合建立在全世界各個不同的市場 而且偏好大型績優股
或是歐美較成熟的市場...(風險考量因素) 也因此全球型股票基金 為了防範風險 做了以下幾道防禦工事
接下來讓我們看看 以這四道防禦風險工事建構的全球基金 其表現如何
我們以知名全球型股票基金 富蘭克林坦伯頓成長基金為例
從2006 .6~ 2007.5 月 共12個月
其中出現了10個月的單月正績效 1個月的單月負績效 一個月的持平
代表什麼? 代表著 不論你何時投入 隔月要是負報酬的機率只有十二分之一...
那麼 他成立53年來 就算 你買到 最差 最差 最差的時間點...
賠了多少? 一年不過16.90 % ...但如果你持有五年最低的報酬率是17.78%
最高的是267.11% 平均也有100.50% 也因此 全球型股票基金 買了 就放著就是了
如果 你真的運氣不好買到大空頭的起點 那麼 逢低再丟一個單筆就可以了...
從這隻基金成立來 就資料來看... 54年經歷中間數次的多空情形 還是有993倍的獲利
那麼 如果用定期定額呢? 單筆 長期持有 就是投資全球股票型基金最好的方式
如果打算定期定額 我建議投入高風險波動大的國家... 他分散風險後 可能還跟全球型股票基金差不多呢
基本上全球型股票基金定期定額 風險反而大於單筆...為什麼...?
因為波動小的基金 再加上定期定額將獲利折半下...匯率風險 手續費風險 機會成本 通澎
這些將會將你微薄的獲利侵蝕 甚至變淨損了...不要認為將錢丟在波動最低的資產就是低風險...
那必須是在沒考慮機會成本的情況下才能如此說..投資 就是要把錢用在對的地方
因此建議 單筆全球型股票基金 定期定額 就考慮波動大的標的吧

2007年6月8日 星期五